Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Alert: Mobile Malware Threats Increase.

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We are constantly concerned about viruses, worms, keystroke loggers, and all manner of malware on our computers. We usually take precautions by deploying anti-virus and anti-malware utilities to identify and neutralize these threats. We are accustomed to them, and so we are seldom taken by surprise. The anti-virus and anti-malware detection criteria are being dynamically updated by the hour.

With the integration of different types of media, such as tablets, mobile communications gear, Skype (VoIP), and the like into the Internet, our vulnerability to the threat of viruses and other debilitating malware extends automatically to these other media. These media are not only internet-dependent (and the internet is highly compromised in so many ways), but they represent new access routes through which malware cannot only be promulgated, but introduced.

With the increase in mobile device usage and dependence (everything from text messaging to surfing the net), it was only a matter of time before hackers, phishers, black-hat social engineers and identity thieves would focus their attentions upon these tools.

An article excerpt from ZDNet follows to provide you with further information about the nature and proliferation vectors of these threats. In the interim, I would urge extreme caution in integrating phone functions with data accessing functions, as well as heightened vigilance in securing these tools with passwords, and being very, very careful when downloading applications from any source.

The report follows:

A group of Berkeley researchers take a long, hard look at mobile malware. What they found should interest you. Read more
Due to the growing nature of this threat, and our growing societal and business dependency on these mobile devices, InfoSphere Business Alerts will be keeping you posted with every significant update -- both in terms of the problem, and in terms of some suggested defense tools and strategies .

Douglas E Castle

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by Douglas E Castle

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